Review: Avène Soothing Hydrating Serum

Recently my skin has been a mess. I have been breaking out a lot, and it has felt very dehydrated, and as a result I have been trying to revamp my skincare routine. So when Escentual offered me the chance to try the Avène Soothing Hydrating Serum* I jumped at the chance. It has been about 3 months since I last used a serum (in fact that was around the time my skin started to play up- coincidence?) so I was excited to introduce one into my daily skincare routine again!

#Haveyoudiscovered | Foundations

Ok, so this is my first post in a week which means I am officially a bad blogger again. I have many excuses for this absence, from working, to the fact my laptop is starting to play up (does someone want to give me £1000 for a new Macbook?) but I will be honest and say the main reason is that I have been lazy. But I am back, and I have lots of new post ideas! But onto the post...

#Haveyoudiscovered | Primer

It is week 2 of the #haveyoudiscovered series, and the topic on this weeks agenda is primers! In my opinion, primers are essential to creating a flawless base and ensuring my makeup lasts all day. As I have mentioned before I have a very oily t-zone and if I decide to skip on the primer, my face soon begins to resemble an oil rig- not a good look.

#Bloggersdoitbetter | Introduction

Touch Of Belle

A few days ago Gemma from Touch of Belle sent me an email about a new series she is starting called '#BloggersDoItBetter'. The idea is that every fortnight (on a Monday) all of the participants will write a post on a topic that Gemma has read in magazines.

#Haveyoudiscovered | Skincare

So this is my first #Haveyoudiscovered post and this week the topic is skincare. You might notice that this post is very late for which I apologise. Between work, St Patick's Day and my birthday I haven't really had anytime to sit down and write a proper post over the past few weeks but I am back and while the rest of this week will be quiet, I will be putting up many posts next week! But onto the purpose of the post...

Mini New Look Haul

In my Boots 3 for 2 haul post, I mentioned that I had also bought a few items of clothing so I thought I would share what I bought will you all. Now when I say few items, I do mean a few... as in 3, so this is going to be a very short haul! All of these items are from New Look. This is actually the first time in ages I have bought anything from New Look, but I have to say I really am liking their new collection for Spring/Summer and I can see myself buying more clothes from here this season!

Have you Discovered...? Introduction!

A few days ago I heard about a great new series, called "Have you discovered...?" that was started by Becka at Becka's Beauty Blog. The idea behind the series is that each Sunday at 7pm, you put up a post discussing a product that you love from that weeks topic. I think this is going to be a great way to discuss our own favourites, and to discover new products! Here is a list of the weekly topics:

Boots 3 for 2 Haul

I tried, I really did, but the Boots 3 for 2 offer was just too good to resist. So today when I went shopping for my brothers birthday present I decided to pop into Boots to get a few bits and pieces. There where a few items that I really wanted, including a Soap and Glory facial exfoliator, and the Bourjois '123 Perfect CC Cream' but unfortunately there was none in stock, but I did get some great products instead.

Nails for Spring: Barry M 'Berry Ice cream'

With the arrival of Spring I am still very much loving pastel nail polishes. So when I repainted my nails I decided to reach for Barry M 'Berry Ice Cream' which was my favourite nail polish last spring. It is a gorgeous pastel lilac and it looks great on both pales skins and tanned skin.

World Map Watch

I have been looking to buy a new watch for quite a while now, but unfortunately all of the watches I have had my eye on *cough*Michael Kors*cough* are out of my price range. I remembered reading a lot about map watches last year on the blogosphere so I took a look on ebay. After a few minutes of searching I came across this beauty, and when I saw the price I knew I had to have it as it was only... £1.64! And as if the price wasn't already amazing, it has free postage!

Oscars Fashion Roundup

This year, I managed to stay awake for the entire duration of the Oscars, which considering it didn't start until 01.30 and ran until 05.00 (UK time) was quite an accomplishment. I really enjoyed watching the awards, but the best part of the Oscars has to be the fashion! So today I will be bringing you a roundup of the best dressed, and the not so best dressed.

Best Dressed

Lupita Nyong'o in Prada
If there was one person I was looking forward to seeing on the red carpet, it was Lupita Nyong'o, and it is fair to say she didn't dissapoint. In fact, she was my best dressed of the night! This custom made gown is perfection, and I have to wonder how she will ever top this. During an interview on the red carpet Lupita mentioned that she chose the blue as it reminded her of her home town which I thought was a lovely touch.