When I started my blog back in September 2013 (I can't believe I've been blogging for so long) I had no clue what I was doing. It wasn't that I was new to the online community- I have been running different websites and youtube channels since I was about 13- but that the whole community is so much more competitive and professional these days. With so many new blogs being started each day, it can be hard to stand out, and before you know it you can feel lost. I know that I certainly did when I first started my blog. So today I thought I would share some of my tips for when you're starting out a blog.
1. Blog about what you love When you first start out a blog it can be hard to figure out what you want to post about. When I started I thought I was going to be posting about everything, but I soon realised this wasn't going to work for me. It's took me a long time, but I have finally realised that while I love fashion, I don't particularly love writing about it. Sure, I might put up the odd haul or fashion post, but for the most part I love to write about makeup. I also put up the odd lifestyle post, but again I have come to realise I'm not a lifestyle blogger, I've not got the personality or writing style for it.
2. Take inspiration, but don't copy others After speaking to a lot of bloggers over the years, I have realised that a lot of us were avid blog readers before actually starting our own. When you first start out a blog, you might feel inclined to use these blogs for inspiration, and there's certainly nothing wrong with that. You do however have to be careful not to straight up copy. There are a few reasons for this; firstly, most bloggers put a lot of work into their content, so to see it copied is very frustrating, and secondly, most successful blogs become successful because of the individuality that the blogger puts into it. Sure we might all be blogging about similar topics, but it is the unique twist that will make you stand out.
3. Don't compare your blog to others Ok, this is something that I am very guilty of. Despite the fact I have been blogging for almost 3 years, I still have quite a small followship over all of my platforms especially compared to other blogs that have been around for the same length of time or less. Until recently I let this affect what I thought of my blog, and it almost led to me giving up on blogging completely. Luckily after taking a break I realised that I do in fact love blogging and the only person who needs to be happy with my blog is myself. So I made my return, stopped looking at stats and comparing myself to other blogs, and I am now the happiest I have ever been. And ironically, now that I am not worrying about my stats, my blog and social media followers are growing faster than ever before.
4. Try and work out a realistic schedule Not all bloggers follow a schedule, but as a general rule, the successful ones do. Everybody's schedules differ, some will blog everyday, some (like me) only a couple of times a week, but it is important to ensure that your schedule works for you and your lifestyle. It might take you a while to figure out a schedule that works, it has definitely taken me a while, but once you do it will make a huge difference. Even if you only plan on posting once a week, if you know that you will be posting every week on Wednesday at 10am, then this will help you manage your time. Also make sure to make use of the schedule option. It means you can use your free time to get up as many posts as possible, and then you can schedule them for certain days and times. This is especially handy if you know you are going away or that you will be busy for a while.
5. Make use of social media When I first started my blog, I largely ignored the social media aspect of it. I think I put up the odd tweet on my personal twitter, but since I was afraid of people I knew actually finding my blog I didn't tweet too much. After a few months I finally set up a twitter account solely for my blog and I finally realised just how big the blogging community was. I have since started to use instagram, facebook, pinterest and even snapchat for promotion but twitter is definitely still my favourite. I love that I can easily interact with so many bloggers, and I really enjoy taking part in all of the different twitter chats.
6. Finally- enjoy it I really think that this is the most important tip I can give you. For a lot of us, blogging is a hobby, and as with all hobbies we have to enjoy it. Blog about what you love, make friends, learn some new skills and just have fun. Blogging has been a long and hard journey with me, and there have been various occasions where I have wanted to quit and give up, but I'm so glad I haven't, because once I took the pressure off myself, blogging became one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling things I have ever done.
What are your tips for beginner bloggers? Leave them in the comments below!
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