How I'm getting Organised, Motivated and Positive!

I started my blog in 2013 and while I have loved running it and writing about my interests (i.e beauty and fashion) you might have noticed that I wasn't always the most motivated. Last year (that seems so weird to say) I didn't invest enough of my time into my blog, which is something I want to change in 2014! So I am going to have to work on becoming more organised and motivated, so I thought I would share with you how I will be doing this!


The first way I am staying organised is by sticking to a schedule. From now on I will have atleast 3 posts a week- one fashion, one beauty, and one misc (this could be another fashion or beauty, or could be something entirely random) and these posts will be on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday. Some weeks I will have more than these 3 posts and my aim is to put up at least 15 posts a week!

In order to try and stay organised I am going to be keeping a Blogging Planner! My sister got me this notebook for Christmas and I thought it would be perfect for my planner. Basically in my planner I have a 'Products to Review' list, 'Blog Post Ideas' list and a 'Blog Aims and Tasks' list. I also write a plan for all of my posts where I write down what the post will be about and what items I need for it. This will allow me to plan my posts in advance, which should ensure I have posts up and scheduled in advance!

Motivation and Positivity

As well as staying organised, I also have to ensure that I remain motivated and positive! One of the ways I do this is through receiving an email a day entitled 'A Note From the Universe'. These emails come through every week day and it is basically a motivational message. I then write these messages down in the notebook pictured above (again a Christmas present from my sister). Underneath this message I write down at least one good thing that happened to me that day. On the weekends when I don't receive these emails, I instead write down an inspirational quote! If you want to sign up for these emails (it is free) then you can click Here.

Another way I stay motivated and positive is through my Q&A diary which I bought on Amazon Here. Each day this diary has a different question which you answer, and as the diary lasts for 5 years, it will give you the chance to look back on your life and how it has progressed. I am still only on the first year, but I enjoy looking back into previous weeks and months to see how I feel now compared to then.

A final way I stay motivated, is through reading motivational books. I'm not one for self-help books, however I enjoy to read about motivational people. The book I am currently reading is I Have a Dream: Speeches that Changed History. As the title suggests, the book contains different speeches from history. These speeches are by everyone from Jesus to Winston Churchill.

So that is how I will be staying organised and motivated this year in terms of both my blog and my life! If you have any tips for organisation or motivation then feel free to leave them in the comments.


  1. Love all these ideas! One thing I'm doing this year is using more notebooks to stay organized and on track of things as well! I love your little notebook!

    1. Yea notebooks are one of the best ways to stay organised! :)

      xx Lauren

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