Today is the day that my friends, and in a way myself, move out of the house that we have shared for the past 2 years while at University. Despite having actually moved out a year ago when my university adventure came to an end, I have spent most of spare time in Belfast, partying with my friends while they carried out their final year. Unfortunately, they have now finished, and all I can say is that this is the end of an era. I am in the middle of making a University years photo album, so I thought I would share some of the photos with you all. Quick warning... this is going to be a picture heavy post.
As cheesy at is sounds, my years at Uni (including this year) have been some of the best years of my life. I've met some of the best friends I will ever meet, and I have grown and changed so much as a person. It doesn't seem that long ago that my parents and I drove through the gates of my uni with the car full of my belonging. I was led to the halls that was going to be my second home for the year and was very happy to realise that one of my friends from school, Sarah, was in the room right next to mine. As well as Sarah, I also was lucky enough to have another two good friends of mine living in halls... Laura and Steven. Having the three of them there definitely made the move to Belfast a lot easier. First year for me was extremely laid back. My days pretty much consisted of going to class, hanging out with my friends (we spent ALOT of time in Steven's flat) then going out that night. The next day the whole process would be repeated.
In 2nd year I moved into a new flat with friends I had met in 1st year. To be honest, this year was pretty much the same as 1st year, except with different flat mates and a tiny bit more work. I still went out at every opportunity (to be honest I did this the whole way throughout uni) and just spent a lot of time with friends. After a lot of 'house' talk for the last half of the year, Laura, Rosie and myself spent a few weeks house hunting before finding the perfect house.
In my 3rd and final year, I moved into a house with my best friends Laura and Rosie. Living with these girls was great... crazy but great. There wasn't a day went by that we weren't in stiches over something, and our nights where filled with cocktails and baking with the odd bit of studing thrown in for good measure. It was crazy how fast this year flew by, and before I knew it I was 'moving out' (aka moving some things home, and the rest from the room to the hallway) and graduating.
Which brings us to this year. Getting a balance between working and being in Belfast with my friends wasn't always easy, and I didn't always spend as much time there as I would have liked, but I have had a great year, and it was the best year to end this adventure. While we didn't spend as much time going out this year as we would have done in previous years, we have instead filled our time with trips to the pub, and dinners out. Just taking advantage of our last year living the 'student life'. And what a year it has been!
So there you have it. A quick documentation of the past few crazy years. Now it is all over, it is time to move onto the next stage of my life. While I might not have it figured out just yet, I have a few plans that I just need to try and put into motion. All I know is that I am excited for the future, and I can't wait to share it with you all!

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